Parent Testimonials
We have come to the end of our PN journey at almost 5 months because little dude officially has mastered rolling back to belly and does so constantly in his crib and whenever I try to put him in it under his mobile too. I so wish we had found it sooner but the progress/results we had were phenomenal. Thank you SO much Dr. Rogers for creating such a wonderful product. We started at 15.5wks and stopped at 20wks. He still has some moderate plagiocephaly so we are getting a scan this week at Hanger to see what our numbers are and go from there (hopefully we can avoid helmeting) but I know we would have been at severe for sure had we not discovered the PN.
── .✦ Heidi

Hi! I just wanted to share a comparison picture for anyone on the fence about trying the Perfect Noggin. My son started using it at 11 weeks old after his pediatrician had concerns about his head shape. He instantly started sleeping longer stretches and actually seemed more comfortable sleeping in the PN. At 19 weeks old he started rolling so we quit using it. Lucky for us his head shape looked great! Time has passed and he is now 7 months old. I still find myself taking pictures of his head to compare before he started the PN. The first picture is before using the PN and the second is today. I am so grateful I found this group and gave the PN a try. Dr Rogers and his wife Wendy are such wonderful people! They truly care and want to help families.
── .✦ Ali
Just wanted to post my three DAYS progress… Not only that we are seeing an improvement already but I have a different child since PN came in the post. My son is 9 weeks old and he never ever slept well. We thought we just had a difficult child but it seems that he was just very uncomfortable on a flat surface. He used to stay awake for 4-6 hours at a time and not sleep more than 1-2 maximum 3 hours, no matter what we did. We had to try and calm him down for at least 30min every single time whilst picking him up many times. I was petrified waiting for PN thinking he will not accept sleeping in it. Last night he slept for 6 hours for the first time. Every time I put him down for a nap, he goes to sleep rightaway. No crying. Trust me, I feel like crying saying that our life has changed since I opened that parcel. I am so excited for the final result and forever grateful to dr Rogers for creating this product.
── .✦ Cat
Hello folks! We are done our PN journey and looking to sell our used PN. We started at 3.5 months finishing out right at 5 months. Only used layer 4 and 5. Baby had mild plagiocephaly which pretty much fully resolved! So happy we found this! We live in Portland, OR - happy to ship but haven’t researched shipping costs yet!
── .✦ Martha
Aloha, we are finally at the end of our PN journey! Def happy tears! I‘m so thankful for this FB group and taking the chance of getting the PN! To be honest, at first I was skeptical because of all the scams happening out there but thank goodness there are still amazing people in this world who are genuinely trying to help others. We started using the PN on 08/19/21 and used it for almost 3 months (11 weeks). Mahalo Dr. Gary F Rogers for truly all that you do!! From working a full-time job, taking the time to answer ppl’s posts/DM’s, and doing it all in positive/helpful manner. As a FTM you listened, reassured, and guided me with my son’s head shape journey! I am forever thankful and will def recommend this to anyone I know in the present or future!!
── .✦ Quincy

Had to share how great our little girl (9 weeks old) is doing since using the PN! We noticed her plagiocephaly around middle of November and started doing more tummy time and repositioning then, so the first picture isn't even the worst it looked. Then we started using the PN on December 9th. Look at the progress in just a few days! I'm so thankful we found this group, Dr. Gary F Rogers, and the PN!
── .✦ Kelsey
Started our PN journey in October at 4 months old, now just turned 6 months old and this is the result! We just used it to sleep in overnight and are so pleased with the outcome. To anyone questioning whether to buy the Perfect Noggin, it is definitely worth the investment! Thank you so much Gary F Rogers for your help and kindness!
── .✦ Beth
Hello, Just want to show my now 6 months old progress. We started this journey when he was 5 and a half months old. So far this is how it is going. I’m really amazed at the results. He has mild plagiocephaly but his head also bulged out to one side. He’s not fully rolling over yet so I will continue to use it .. honestly I can’t put into words at how greatful I am of Gary F Rogersfor youre time, Patience and you’re product. For all the reassurance, guidance and advice you give to us parents to really help us understand & feel more Comfortable with using the PN. Thank you so much, you’re amazing
── .✦ Amber
My little boy is almost 5 months & our journey with the PN is coming to an end as he is rolling front to back & very nearly back to front, often rolling onto his side. We started at 3 months and this is the difference I must admit I was sceptical at first but I would definitely recommend! I’m going to try & keep him in the PN for supervised naps where I can as I don’t want any progress to be undone.
── .✦ Megan